Thursday, September 23, 2010

Launch party!

Welcome! I'm up and running! With a temporary title and everything. I'm a mom finding a wee bit of space to reclaim her professional life. And when I say wee bit of space, I'm not kidding. I pretty much have to fit everything I need  and want to do between the hours of 9a when kid number two goes to school and 3a when kid number one comes home. This is our weekday schedule as long as we don't have a doctor or orthodontist appointment---and as long as I'm not volunteering for something, or chaperoning someone---or trying to get to the grocery store before playing chauffeur, cook and tutor for the rest of the evening.

You've stumbled upon or been led to my space. It's my place to talk about life, writing, food, kids, and my search for balance. It will take a little while, but we'll get to know each other. This journey to write about my experience is for all of us and that's why I have what might only be a temporary title. Or maybe it's permanent. We'll have to see.

I want to know what you think of the blog title? I tossed around a lot of ideas, but none seemed right: Yogachef, Bread and Chocolate, Apples and Oranges, any combination of Orange and Green. I 'm hoping for a single word. Something memorable, easy to remember, easy to search and  relevant to my focus--- which is quite broad! ( I even took the suggestion of my great friend Rose and tried to call my blog "Temporary Title" or something equivalent. Everything from Untitled to Working Title to Titleless was taken.)

From this list, you might be starting to glimpse more about me. Yes, I like to cook---even for my very picky family. Yoga is a big part of my life,  as is general fitness (and fitting it in!), nature, nutrition, and alternative healing. Husband, kids, family (near and mostly far), education, travel, art, culture, language, music and books are all topics near to my heart. You'll be hearing more about them in time. Any bright ideas about bringing focus to my work and a perfect title for the blog? Throw them at me and we'll see what sticks.

As for me, I'll keep working on writing, worrying about my kids, and  trying new recipes. It'll all be here. Come back and travel the road with me. I promise to be neurotic, sometimes inspired and funny, often enthusiastic and occasionally downright terrified and unsure about what's next, but I'm in. I'm here. My blog is launched. It's time for a celebratory beverage after 5:00p!


  1. Nice start! Titles are hard, I was just listening to a podcast (or whatever they are) about internet marketing and finding just the right title. It will come. Looking forward to more. LynM

  2. Ooooh, I like your lay out and colors and your kitchen and you! I like the title will you be putting up recipes? Good for you, lady!

  3. Thanks, Lynn and Laura. I'll be posting occasional essays about my life and cooking. Stop by from time to time! Banana Bread Recipe posted today!:)
